a GIF of a monarch butterfly flying across the screen Welcome to The Grove a GIF of a monarch butterfly flying across the screen

Hey! You seem to have stumbled across my website while it's still in early development :). Right now it's not much, but I'm planning on adding lots of fun content about stuff that interests me. I'm currently thinking of adding sections on:

  • nature-related stuff like bugs and butterfly identification
  • sci-fi media I enjoy
  • fantasy media I enjoy
  • a virtual bookshelf of books I enjoy
  • electronics (maybe how tos and CAD files if I ever complete any personal projects, otherwise my random thoughts on various EE/circuit design/tech subjects that interest me)
  • blinkies, userboxes and links to other sites, of course :D
  • crosswords I've created (interactive solver if I create/find one to embed)
  • outfits? (it would be so fun to take photos of my favourite clothing items and make a virtual dress up game)
  • music recommendations? (I'm toying with the idea of making moodboards/descriptions for music I like - I've recently realized that coming at a piece of media with someone else's perspective or explanation of why they like and connect with it makes me much more likely to enjoy it!)
  • ... and much more! I also am hoping to explore different ways to make the site accessible (and enjoyable!) for a wide audience. I'm planning to have this landing page lead to two versions of the site: One would have simplified html/css sources and would remove (unnecessary) images to make the bare info of the site accessible on older or very potato computers. The other would be the main version, with all the bells and whistles, which I plan to try and make screen reader accessible (as well and implementing other accessibility features). I'd also like to look into making the site mobile friendly, though I still don't know which of the two versions would make more sense to do this for. In the meantime, I hope you can be entertained by this small collection of gifs I've curated so far.

    Update: the bare bones of the website have started being fleshed out. Enter at your own risk!

    a GIF of a fairy wearing a yellow dress and sprinkling fairy dust a GIF of a fairy in a white dress sitting on her knees and flapping her wings a GIF of a fairy wearing a purple and green dress, tending to some flowers a GIF of a fairy in a blue dress, holding a wand and surrounded by spakles